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BP Executive Membership [BPX]

Book Your BPX Video Interview

The first step, own your personal brand.

Video Interview Example

At Black Progress Executive Membership [BPX], we understand that your resume is more than just a list of your qualifications and experience. It is an opportunity to tell your story and show the world who you are. That's why we offer our members the opportunity to create a fully-branded personal video resume. 


Accessing executive-level opportunities can be challenging, and your network and resume are the fundamental tools in your arsenal. 


However, most hopeful executives thoughtfully prepare a resume that lists their qualifications and experience and cautiously engages their network for opportunities. That's not bold enough. BPX is here to help you extend and maximize your network and build a more dynamic resume.


The BPX Personal Brand Video will help you stand out from the crowd by giving potential partners, colleagues, and executives a dynamic perspective on who you are.


We believe owning your narrative is empowering, and BPX is committed to helping our members fill in all their pixels so they can do just that.

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In order to truly change the color of the executive suite and boardroom in organizations worldwide, we rely on everyone to further their involvement in all that we do.  Our weekly newsletter will keep you up to date on everything we have going on.


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